In an increasingly global economy, few companies can afford to limit themselves to domestic customers. However, tech startups in particular often don’t know how to market themselves abroad. Your product may have just as much potential in Germany or Italy as it has in your home country, but you don’t know how to get the word out in foreign markets. 

Here are a few signs that it’s time to invest in an international tech PR agency to boost overseas growth. 

You’ve gotten very little coverage in foreign media

Sometimes the coverage a tech startup gets in domestic media will seep into coverage being done by outlets abroad. After all, the U.S. is still the center of the tech universe, and business journalists around the world look to what’s being reported in major print, online and TV outlets here. And yet, sometimes a story that really appeals to American media simply doesn’t catch on elsewhere. In that case, you need to reach out to experts who can engage with local media from an angle that they’ll appreciate. 

Your product should be global. But your customer base is not

If your product is just as useful and accessible to a Singaporean as it is to an American, then there’s no reason that your customer base should be 90% American. You cannot just assume the word will make its way overseas at some point. You need to invest in spreading the word abroad. Above all else, you want an international tech PR agency that has expertise in the markets you’re targeting. 

You’re planning to expand into new markets

If you’re about to make a jump into a new market, you want to make as big a splash as possible. It’s worth it to find an international tech PR agency with strong ties to local media outlets and who understands the type of message that will resonate with local consumers. Don’t assume that whatever PR strategy worked domestically will translate abroad. What lands in one culture might flop in another. 

Your current PR team has no experience in the target market

The agency that has done tremendous work for you domestically likely has much less to offer in a foreign market. You’ll want someone who knows the language, has relationships with the top local media outlets and understands how to sell them a story. Customizing your message to the idioms, vernacular and themes of a specific market is also called ‘localization.’ When done well, localization of your media campaign can yield impressive media coverage results.

You detect an opening in a neglected market

While you and your competitors are battling for market share in your home market and perhaps other large markets, you should explore what the landscape is for your vertical in other countries. You may discover that there is a major chance to enter and dominate a market that is currently underserved. Seize the opportunity and find an international tech PR agency or international tech PR agency alliance that knows the turf and can help you establish your brand there.